Today at breakfast, we were talking about Bible Stories.
Cade: I like the story of the Leopards and Jesus.
Me: (Silence while I try to search my brain for any reference to leopards in the Bible.)
Cade: Remember that one?
Me: No, honey, I really don't. I don't remember there being any leopards in the Bible.
Cade: Yes there is. There are leopards, they have spots on them.
Me: Hmmm. Nope, I don't remember that one.
Cade: Well, it's in there. The leopard asks Jesus to heal him. He heals them and tells them to go see a priest.
Me: Don't you mean LEPERS? L - E - P - E - R - S?
Cade: Nope, it's leopards. Because, you know, leopards have spots.
What a cute story!!!
That is priceless!!!
That was cute. Thanks for sharing. Cade is one smart cookie, isn't he?! I'm so glad he has it all figured out. :)
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