Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jesus and the Leopards

Today at breakfast, we were talking about Bible Stories.

Cade: I like the story of the Leopards and Jesus.

Me: (Silence while I try to search my brain for any reference to leopards in the Bible.)

Cade: Remember that one?

Me: No, honey, I really don't. I don't remember there being any leopards in the Bible.

Cade: Yes there is. There are leopards, they have spots on them.

Me: Hmmm. Nope, I don't remember that one.

Cade: Well, it's in there. The leopard asks Jesus to heal him. He heals them and tells them to go see a priest.

Me: Don't you mean LEPERS? L - E - P - E - R - S?

Cade: Nope, it's leopards. Because, you know, leopards have spots.


Julie said...

What a cute story!!!

katink175 said...

That is priceless!!!

Shawn Flora said...

That was cute. Thanks for sharing. Cade is one smart cookie, isn't he?! I'm so glad he has it all figured out. :)